
Viewfinder next animix
Viewfinder next animix

After weeks of thought, you decide that you want to be a director-your vision will be the film’s soul. As you creatively grow, you’ll find that you suit one role more than the other. Image via Alan Gordon.Īs an indie filmmaker, it’s not uncommon to be the director, cinematographer, editor, and even the writer of your film. Indeed, that would up the game, right? The Pocket Mini Director’s Viewfinder. However-and I say, however-what if you had a director’s viewfinder. Or, perhaps you’re watching the behind-the-scenes footage to Blade Runner and see the DOP using a light meter and think, “If I had one of those, my cinematography could reach new levels.” When, in most cases, you just need to spend more time with the gear you already own. We see online creators touting the latest Canon lens, and we think, “If I had that, I could do the same shots, too.” The point is, in this digital age, we all tend to acquire a lot of filmmaking and photography equipment that we may not need. You have that power, too- Return of the Jedi, anyone?

viewfinder next animix

Gear acquisition syndrome, also known as GAS. Let’s explore the director’s viewfinder, the various options available to you, and budget-friendly tips to apply to your next project.

Viewfinder next animix